// Connect to the database
const nano = require('nano')('http://admin:mypassword@localhost:5984');
let giveawayDB;
// Check the DB
(async () => {
if (!(await nano.db.list()).includes('giveaways')) await nano.db.create('giveaways');
giveawayDB = nano.use('giveaways');
// Start the manager only after the DB got checked
const { GiveawaysManager } = require('givify');
const GiveawayManagerWithOwnDatabase = class extends GiveawaysManager {
// This function is called when the manager needs to get all giveaways which are stored in the database.
async getAllGiveaways() {
// Get all giveaways from the database
return (await giveawayDB.list({ include_docs: true })) => r.doc);
// This function is called when a giveaway needs to be saved in the database.
async saveGiveaway(messageId, giveawayData) {
// Add the new giveaway data to the database
await giveawayDB.insert(giveawayData, messageId);
// Don't forget to return something!
return true;
// This function is called when a giveaway needs to be edited in the database.
async editGiveaway(messageId, giveawayData) {
// Get the old giveaway data from the database
const giveaway = await giveawayDB.get(messageId);
// Edit the giveaway
await giveawayDB.insert({ ...giveaway, ...giveawayData });
// Don't forget to return something!
return true;
// This function is called when a giveaway needs to be deleted from the database.
async deleteGiveaway(messageId) {
// Get the giveaway data from the database
const giveaway = await giveawayDB.get(messageId);
// Remove the giveaway data from the database
await giveawayDB.destroy(messageId, giveaway._rev);
// Don't forget to return something!
return true;
// Create a new instance of your new class
const manager = new GiveawayManagerWithOwnDatabase(
default: {
botsCanWin: false,
embedColor: '#FF0000',
embedColorEnd: '#000000',
reaction: '🎉'
false // ATTENTION: Add "false" in order to not start the manager until the DB got checked
// We now have a giveawaysManager property to access the manager everywhere!
client.manager = manager;